Wear Your Story

“Our greatest weakness is also our greatest strength”

“Our greatest weakness is also our greatest strength” •

Point Two Mentality

Point two percent is more than just a number.  In a literal sense it represents the percentage of Jews in the world population.  Beyond that, it represents so much more.  The Jewish people derive our strength from many places, but maybe none as important as our rarity.  Our weakness of being one of the world’s most persecuted minorities, is also our greatest strength.  A people that represents just .2% of the population must stick together and show that unity. 

And that’s what this brand strives to accomplish – a unified sense of community for all Jews and our allies. 

The Point Two Closet

Join the movement. Point Two Percent is a brand with a purpose. 20% of all profits will be donated to American Friends of Magen David Adom.


point two percent testimonials

  • "I love being able to show that I'm proud of where I came from and help represent a community through fashion."

    -Jeremy (New Jersey)

  • "The T-Shirt is so soft, I love wearing it. I've already been asked by so many people where they can get one."

    -Gaby (Florida)

  • "Love the products and really means a lot to me that donations are made to Magen David Adom."

    - Alex (Florida)

  • "The Hoodie is my favorite. So comfy!"

    - Aaron (California)